A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°2 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°3 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°4 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°5 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°6 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°7 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°8 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°9 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°10 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°11 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°12 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°13 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]photo n°14 : A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]

A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]
- Auteur: DOYLE, Charles William
- Année d'édition: 1803

150.00 €
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A non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, by an Officer upon the Staff of the British Army [ First Edition - Without the plates ]

Describing the country, it's inhabitants, their manners and customs ; with anecdotes, illustrative of them, 4to, half leather binding, Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, T. Egerton, J. Harding, London, 1803, 1 leaf, 150 pp.

Commentaire : Without the plates. Foxing, good copy otherwise.

Les Phénomènes de la Nature, leurs lois et leurs applications aux Arts et à l'Industrie, d'après le Dr. W. F. A. Zimmermann, par le Dr. H. Valerius. Tome Second : Mécanique - Acoustique - Optique - Calorique Manuel Général de l'Instruction primaire. Journal hebdomadaire des Instituteurs et des Institutrices. Année 1875 Complète : Tome XI, quarante-deuxième année 4e série Partie Générale et Partie
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