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With 23 Illustrations from Original Designs, by Frederick Simpson Coburn, 8vo, blue hardcover, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, The Knickerbocker Press, s.d. (copyright 1902), 491 pp.
250.00 €
8vo printed editor's cardboard, Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh, Dublin and New York, s.d. [ circa 1906 ], 64 pp. et 1 f. with 4 unnumbered leaves of plates, including frontispiece
95.00 €
8vo harcover, full contemporary calf binding, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, London, 1788, X-367 pp. with 6 plates
250.00 €
1 vol. in-8 br., Adolf M. Hakkert, Publisher, Amsterdam, 1979, 280 pp.
95.00 €
Compiled by Edward W. Burke, S. J., Professor Emeritus of Classics, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 vol. in-4 cartonnage éditeur, J. P. Heim, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999, XIII pp., 1 f., 358 pp. et 1 f.
110.00 €
8vo, hardcover cloth binding, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1984
50.00 €
Publiés pour la première fois en France, par F. Génin, 1 vol. très fort in-4 cartonnage éditeur, collection de Documents inédits sur l'Histoire de France, publiée par les soins du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique, Deuxième Série :...
275.00 €
Parker's Edition, revised and corrected with a general preface, an introduction to each novel, and notes historical and illustrative bu the Author, 2 vol. in-12 reliure plein veau bleu, dos à 5 nerfs dorés orné, toutes tranches dorées, Waverley Novels, Volumes 15 & 16,...
95.00 €
Reprinted Verbatim from the Edition of 1768, 1 vol. in-12 reliure de l'époque plein maroqun à grain long bleu, double filet doré d'encadrement en plats, toutes tranches marbrées, Printed for T. and J. Allman, T. Boone, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, London, 1817, 308 pp.
150.00 €
Divided into XVII Chapters, One whereof being read every Lord's Day, the Whole may be read over Thrice in the Year, Necessary for al Families, with Private Devotions for severel Occasions, 1 vol. in-12 reliure postérieure plein veau marbré, dos à 5 nerfs dorés richement...
240.00 €
12mo, later full morocco havana binding signed by Worsfold, original frontcover conserved, Printed and Sold by F. Vigurs, Stroud, 1817, 2 ff., 56-2 pp.. Rappel du titre complet : The Chronicles and the Lamentations of Gotham, to Which are added, John, a model for volunteer Captains, the address of...
395.00 €
1 vol. 8vo, contemporary binding, half leather, Published by A. and W. Galignani and Co., Paris, 1836, XVI-336 pp.
95.00 €
By R. B. Sheridan, Esq., as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 12mo, paperback, London, and sold at Paris by Theophilus Barrois, Jun. Bookseller n°11 Quai Voltaire, 1816, 122 pp.
95.00 €
Dec. 22 1920, 4 pages, with small lackings : 'My Dear Khourshed, warmest greetings & best wishes for Xmas & the New Year. I am sorry to hear that you have been ill [ ... ] Your husband write to me just before he was leaving London, to let him know when time came, if I would let him this house. I...
650.00 €
50 copies of this book have been privately printed on Japan vellum by Thomas B. Mosher for presentations to his friends , and the type distributed (n° 17), 12mo vol. under slipcase, Portland, Maine, Privately printed, 1902, 5 blank, portrait, VI-14 pp. and 8 blank leaves
390.00 €
1 vol. in-12 reliure éditeur pleine percaline bordeaux, Gay and Hancok, Ltd, London, 1916, VIII-297 pp. et 7 ff. n. ch.
190.00 €
With coloured illustrations, 12mo, green éditor's cloth, George Routledge & Sons, no date, VII-584-31 pp.
50.00 €

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