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Livres en Langues Etrangères

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The Horse. A new edition with numerous illustrations. Together with General History of the Horse ; a dissertation on The American Trotting Horse, how trained and jockeyed, an account of his remarkable performances ; and an Essay on the Ass and the Mule, by J. S. Skinner, 8vo volume, full editor's...
70.00 €
44 plats and 16 illustrations in the texte, 8vo paperback, Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaelogy and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Published by the Museum, 1921, VII-119 pp.
95.00 €
1 vol. in-8 cartonnage rouge éditeur, 1918, 186 pp. et 783 numéros. Titre complet : Catalogue of the Medici Archives consisting of rare Autograph Letters. Records and Documents 1084-1770 including One hundred and sixty-six holograph letters of Lorenzo the Magnificent. The property of...
75.00 €
4to, paperback, The Camera Pictorialists of Los Angeles. 19th Annual Salon of Pictorial Photography. Los Angeles Museum Januray 1st to 31st 1936. Catalog, 14 leaves
115.00 €
50 numéros in-4 br., Narrow Gauge & Industrial. Railway modelling Review (50 Issues - From n° 1 Year 1989 to n° 50 Year 2002)
550.00 €
Avec une lettre autographe du Prof. dr. Willem Mengelberg et une préface de L.M.G. Arntzenius, 1 vol. in-folio br., Andries Blitz, Amsterdam, Aux Oeuvres Françaises, Paris, 1937, env. 70 ff.
195.00 €
1 vol. in-8 cartonnage éditeur, Wratten & Wainwright Ltd, Croydon, 1911, 53 pp. et 3 ff.
95.00 €
Parker's Edition, revised and corrected with a general preface, an introduction to each novel, and notes historical and illustrative bu the Author, 2 vol. in-12 reliure plein veau bleu, dos à 5 nerfs dorés orné, toutes tranches dorées, Waverley Novels, Volumes 15 & 16,...
95.00 €
Reprinted Verbatim from the Edition of 1768, 1 vol. in-12 reliure de l'époque plein maroqun à grain long bleu, double filet doré d'encadrement en plats, toutes tranches marbrées, Printed for T. and J. Allman, T. Boone, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, London, 1817, 308 pp.
150.00 €
The thirty-third Edition, 1 vol. in-12 reliure de l'époque plein maroquin vert, dos à 5 nerfs orné, roulette d'encadrement et motifs en écoinçons en plats, Printed by Asignement from the Executors of the late Edwd Wicksteed for John Hinton, in Paternoster Row,...
250.00 €
Divided into XVII Chapters, One whereof being read every Lord's Day, the Whole may be read over Thrice in the Year, Necessary for al Families, with Private Devotions for severel Occasions, 1 vol. in-12 reliure postérieure plein veau marbré, dos à 5 nerfs dorés richement...
240.00 €
12mo, later full morocco havana binding signed by Worsfold, original frontcover conserved, Printed and Sold by F. Vigurs, Stroud, 1817, 2 ff., 56-2 pp.. Rappel du titre complet : The Chronicles and the Lamentations of Gotham, to Which are added, John, a model for volunteer Captains, the address of...
395.00 €
From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXII, pages 501-1044 with plate XVIII, 1 vol. in-8 reliure demi-toile verte, Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, pp. V-VII, pp.501-1044 avec une planche (plate XVIII)
95.00 €
Colored folding map, mounted on linen, G. F. Cruchley, 81 Fleet Street, London, s.d. [ circa 1850-1860 ], 79 x 66,5 cm. Full title : Cruchley's Reduction of his Large Map of England and Wales with Part of Scotland ; Showing all the Railways & Turnpike Roads with the Great Rivers and the course of...
395.00 €
1 vol. 8vo, contemporary binding, half leather, Published by A. and W. Galignani and Co., Paris, 1836, XVI-336 pp.
95.00 €
By R. B. Sheridan, Esq., as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 12mo, paperback, London, and sold at Paris by Theophilus Barrois, Jun. Bookseller n°11 Quai Voltaire, 1816, 122 pp.
95.00 €
1 vol. in-8 br., Published by British Museum Press for the Trustees of the British Museum, 1996, IX-98 pp. et 34 planches
490.00 €
8vo, The Oriental Institute if the University of Chicago, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, n°33, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1966, 85 pp.
70.00 €
With drawings and contributions by Suzanne Chapman, Nicholas Thayer, Lynn Holden and Timothy Kendall, In collaboration with the Pennsylvania-Yale Archaelogical Expedition to Egypt, 1 vol. in-4 reliure pleine toile sous jaquette illustrée, Department of Egyptian and Ancient near Eastern Art,...
125.00 €

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