Dec. 22 1920, 4 pages, with small lackings : 'My Dear Khourshed, warmest greetings & best wishes for Xmas & the New Year. I am sorry to hear that you have been ill [ ... ] Your husband write to me just before he was leaving London, to let him know when time came, if I would let him this house. I...
A human document, with an Introduction by Barbara Hannah, 8vo paperback, Schippert & Co, Zurich, s.d. [ 1967 ], XII-128 pp. with 12 original colored drawings under an envelope pasted on guard, and autograph text in flemish on 14 leaves (letters, poems) in another one. Full Tite : The healing...
50 copies of this book have been privately printed on Japan vellum by Thomas B. Mosher for presentations to his friends , and the type distributed (n° 17), 12mo vol. under slipcase, Portland, Maine, Privately printed, 1902, 5 blank, portrait, VI-14 pp. and 8 blank leaves
1 brochure in-8, s.d. [circa 1920 ?], 31 pp. avec 3 photos.Rappel du titre complet : Mathias Loras first bishop of Dubuque, Iowa U.S.A. and his friend Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney The holy parish priest of Ars. Their share in the beginning of the parish and church of Saint-John the Baptist of...
1 vol. 12mo. softcover, Larose, Paris, MCMLIII ( 1953), 162 pp. Table of contents : Perspectives (R. Brunschvig) ; New sources for the History of Muhammadan Theology (J. Schacht) ; Some observations on the significance of Heresy in the history of Islam (R. Lewis) ; Les souverains seljoukides et...
1 vol. in-8 br., col. cover, color. pictures, IVPP - Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1994, 63 p.
2 vol. in-4 softcover, col. cover, col. pict., Antiquorum, Geneva, 2003, 124 pp. and 396 pp., 580 items for the whole catalog, incl estimates. Text in English
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