Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°2 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°3 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°4 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°5 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°6 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°7 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°8 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°9 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°10 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°11 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Usesphoto n°12 : Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Uses

Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Uses
- Auteur: MUELLER, Baron Ferd. von
- Année d'édition: 1888

250.00 €
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Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Uses

Seventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 1 vol. in-8 reliure de l'époque plein veau vert, dos à 5 nerfs dorés orné, plats richement ornés et estampés à froid, coupes et chasses ornées, toutes tranches marbrées, Robt. S. Brain Government Printer, Melbourne, 1888, IX-517 pp.

Commentaire : Fine binding. Good condition (small tear on flyleaf, otherwise a very good copy).

[ Ensemble de 4 ouvrages reliés dans reliures assorties ) L'envers du miroir - une histoire naturelle de la connaissance ; Essais sur le comportement animal et humain - les leçons de l'évolution de la théorie du comportement ; Select Extra-Tropical Plants, Readily Ligible for Industrial Culture or Naturalisation with Indications of Their Native Countries and Some of Their Uses
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